Friday, July 8, 2011

Absence Makes the Hepatitis Grow Stronger

I have been a slacker lately...  Sorry.  Life has been pretty eventful though!  I think I'll just make a list to keep it simple: 

*John finished his first year of medical school... Finally!  He made it through and even got honors in some of his courses.  Yeah, he's a smarty. 

*I submitted my first draft of my thesis (minus the results/discussion sections).  It's such a relief to have it on paper.  Now comes the job of getting it all polished up. 

*I was called to help with the youth in our ward/stake to teach them some dances for a tri-state youth conference.  All the youth in Oklahoma, and parts of Texas and Arkansas are attending a youth conference and performing in a show (dancing/singing/etc) as part of it.  I taught them a Bollywood dance and a German Polka.  Yeah, it's pretty legit, just ask KaDee Hoffer.  I might have performed the Bollywood dance to a John Mayer song for her... 

*John and I went down to the Wichita "mountains" with Ronni and Marty.  We had some good times bouldering up at the top with Hep. 

This wasn't even at the top either!
At the top Ronni jumped onto this rock and landed about a foot away from this rattlesnake! 
John had been standing right next to it and didn't even see it!
Hep saw some prairie dogs!

Yes, that is a buffalo!

BEST burger I've ever had!

Definitely worth the wait.

*One day there was a huge hail storm that just came out of nowhere!  It produced golf ball-sized hail, and some that were even bigger than that!

*I flew to Utah to go to McKenzie and Ofa's wedding.  It was such a fun wedding!  Polynesians have so much culture, and boy do they know how to party!  There was SO MUCH delicious food!  I'm so grateful Moma helped pay for my ticket so that I could go.  I just wish John could have been there too...

Just Married!

Model hair


First dance

McKenzie did a money dance.  It's part of the Tongan culture for the bride to do it. 
Basically we all stuck money down her dress (not in a stripper-kind-of-way).  It was the best!
Moma and me whilst I was out there.

*Aaaaand... that brings us to the 4th of July!  John and I had some friends over for a barbecue and to play Wits and Wagers (an awesome game introduced to us by Brady - Thanks Brady!).  We then went to a firework show up in Edmond that was supposed to be among the top 10 in the nation (according to CNN and USA Today).  It was pretty great, and there were some cool fireworks that we had never seen before, but they had some "technical difficulties" about halfway through which caused about a 10 minute break in the show.  Lame. 

Now John and I are just gearing up to go to Utah next weekend.  Hooray for seeing friends and family! 

    1 comment:

    1. Does that mean perhaps that we shall play? Hmm??
